Why Not Now? I’ll tell you why not … because you don’t need to cry over spilled coffee

I feel as though the time has come at which I may announce that despite my hopes, the day is not getting off to a good start. While the Little Buckaroo’s stomach virus dissipates I find that I am now plagued with the same symptoms that tormented his tummy for the better part of the week. And while he stands proudly atop his rocking chair, holding the back with his right hand and rocking with the same mannerisms and posture of a surfer riding a wave, he first seems happy, giggling but then starts screaming, loudly, in a non-stop brae to inform me that we both, in fact, still feel pretty crummy. Thank you!

The “Little Surfer” when I tried to take his picture while riding the wave. Apparently he is a shy surfer.”

Today is also garbage day on which a number of household chores are completed, but oh why today? I feel terrible. I have no energy, the baby has been screaming at me for two days because I feel to crummy to pick him up. I am tired, and just want some piece and quiet. I would kill for a nap. But no, today I need to empty all of the garbage bins in the house, the diaper pale, and of course the litter box. Part of the weekly ritual is cleaning out the refrigerator which creates yet another load of dishes, but results in the glorious satisfaction of being able to set down new left-overs, produce which we’re raking in from the garden, or maybe even the cat if she’s being bad (I’m joking, of course). Our garbage collector doesn’t make his rounds in our neighborhood until the early afternoon, so I have a while. Why don’t I put it off? I’m feeling like poop, and I deserve it.

Well, Why not now? Oh that damn, new question. Why not now? I am not going to feel any better later than I do now. Well, I may but that is certainly not a promise of the day. Regardless of how I feel I still need to water my garden, do the dishes, and figure out something I can do with the Little Buckaroo that involves us getting OUT of the house, and not getting other little kids sick. I have absolutely NO respect for people who bring a sick child over or out to play with others. I have one of the busiest baby’s in the world who NEEDS a daily play outing, regardless of his level of well-being, as otherwise he is mind-numbingly bored out of his noodle. Just as a tip, if you ever want to piss me off and cause me to desire never to see you again, bring your sick child out to play with mine. A sniffly nose from allergies, that’s okay but a cold, or flu, I don’t care, you’re selfish if you don’t keep them home or away from other small children. I certainly don’t make my child live in a bubble, I strongly believe in promoting a good immune system and say”bring-it-on to eating dirt.” Just going to playtime & parks where all the babies are healthy, they’re all still exposed to an endless parade of germs and bacteria … just saying.

This wasn’t the first false start of the day, there was another. I went to bed at 9:30 last night and slept terribly as my muscles ache from illness almost as much as my stomach. In one of my restless fits I realized that the sleeve I started yesterday, for a new sweater and a new pattern I will publish once shorter days are here to greet us, were not what I going to turn out what I envisioned. I ripped the yarn back and rewound it this morning, back to the beginning, again.

So why not now, and just get it over with? Rewound, fresh off my ball winder, it doesn’t seem so bad. The frustration of having to begin again is gone now that the guilty party no longer exists. It is almost like it never existed, and that feels a whole lot better than having to rip out a bunch of work.

And of course as soon as I finish and am feeling, even if it is only a miniscule amount, better. Then, I look down and the Little Buckaroo is holding up my empty coffee cup, which I distinctly remember leaving on top of the dining room table half full. Why now? I guess the expression on my face indicated the severity of the crime as he turned and started running the opposite way at top baby speed, which is about two times the speed of sound faster than I can go most any day, especially when I’m feeling under the weather. I catch him and he starts waving the tiny spoon above his head in victory as I mourn the loss of the one coffee I was going to allow today, further compromising the sad state of my stomach to avoid the caffeine headache that prominently looms promising a day of defeat if I fail to listen. So now I have coffee to clean, a baby to clean and another chip on my shoulder. So why not now? Why not deal with it all and try to get on with making the best of the rest of the day? Okay, new me, you win.

Part of my Basalt Tank in progress. This is the front hexagon.

Today is going to be a long day. Already I am glad that my chores are almost done and I can start knitting my sleeve again. Yes, I feel like crap, but I don’t feel that bad unless I let it get the better of me. Yesterday, in all of my misery I was able to complete an entire hexagon for my Basalt Tank and get a good chuck of a sleeve done, which yes, I did rip out, but it is still progress. So I will just try to take each moment as it comes, and be grateful if I can get some quite, knitting time in. Until then, looks like I may getting out the earplugs.